perm filename TTW[1,BGB] blob sn#001246 filedate 1972-09-18 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
00100	                      TOYS, TOOLS AND WEAPONS.
00150	                      A Taxonomy of Artifacts
00300	                              Baumgart
00600		In artificial intelligence, the robot's tool problem  is  how
00700	to  program a robot so that it can use tools to solve its problems in
00800	the world. Well now, what is a "tool", and for that matter what is  a
00900	"robot",  what  is  a  "program", what is a "problem" and what is the
01000	"world"; and what does the  phrase  "using  a  tool"  mean,  does  it
01100	require the ability to discover a tool or to build a tool ? ...aren't
01200	robots tools, when is a man a tool, and will  that  dumb  monkey  use
01300	that  stick  to hit that travel agent so that he will tell him how to
01400	get to Timbuktu in order to get those bananas.
01600		One might say that an AI programmer will have to have a  tool
01700	philosophy  in order to program a robot; however unlike a philosopher
01800	(or even a mathematician)  a  programmer's  philosophy  need  not  be
01900	correct and need not cover all the special cases; the essential thing
02000	is to be able to partition a realm into a block diagram and  then  to
02100	code  simple version of the blocks, then to try the system; and then
02200	to start over or sell it or take over the world.
02400		The universe of our discourse consists of two  worlds;  there
02500	is  an  Abstract World and there is a Physical World.  First consider
02600	the Physical World; the physical world consists  of  all  matter  and
02700	energy;  portions of the physical world can be grouped together as an
02800	"object"; now an object may or may  not  have  intellect;  where  our
02900	working definition of intellect is the computer analogy definition of
03000	intellect - an intellectual entity consists a processor, a memeory,
03100	and input-output, but that's all covered in memo x.
03300		Non-intellectual  entities  can  be  mostly  partitioned into
03400	"Natural Objects" and "Artifact Objects".  Now the `Toys,  Tools  and
03500	Weapons'  partition  is  to  divide  the set of Artifact Objects into
03600	those things that an intellectual entity uses to change the state  of
03700	the   natural  physical  world,  TOOLS;  and  those  things  that  an
03800	intellectual entity uses to change the state of his internal abstract
03900	world,  TOYS;  and  those  things that an intellectual entity uses to
04000	change the internal abstract world of  other  intellectual  entities,
04100	WEAPONS.